In the year 2013 I bought my first Canon D600 DSLR-camera for polical reasons. Images became more and more important in political campaigning. As a local politician I wanted to show our political work to the citicens of my municipality with images. More and more I liked the on going challenge of making a better photo than the photo before. Within a shot time I changed my D600 for a D70.
Since I live in the village of Kinderdijk (2016) my interest for photography increases an my skills developed seriously. With the beautiful world herritage of the Kinderdijk Windmills literally next door I spend many hours at the world heritage site. That's were my love for landscape photography grew further and further.
Nowadays almost everday I watch out of my window to the Dutch sky above Kinderdijk. Many times a few minutes later i'm sitting on my bike to the windmills for taking another better photo than the photo before.